Sunday, 23 May 2010


Result of the can taped to the clock. Had a few teething problems with this. The heat of the sun over the past few days meant the duck tape unpeeled and stopped the can from spinning at times. However next time I'll be able to improve upon that shitty little piece of plastic I made from a drinks bottle at 2.30am in the morning. Pretty happy with how it looks though. 24 hour clock mechanisms in the post.

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Monday, 17 May 2010


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First post in a long long time now. Winter, exams and the theft of my computer put a horrible gap into this blog, yet summer brings more beer, more empty cans and an opportunity to make up for it. Here's something I whipped up in the past half hour.

This is essentially a quartz 12 hour clock mechanism with a beer can grafted onto the top. Meaning hopefully the beer can will spin one full rotation every 12 hours. The initial idea however was to use a 24 hour time piece, unfortunately this is still in the shop. Just an idea to test out, hopefully I'll get some results. Check back in a couple of days.

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